February 2, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on February 2, 2016Categories ArticlesEnglishNews and EventsThe Sunnah way to discipline childrenThe Sunnah way to discipline children “Go away!” “Stop it, you nuisance!” Is it not considered ‘normal’ in most societal circles today for adults to address […]
February 2, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on February 2, 2016Categories ArticlesHindiNews and EventsIbaadatइबादत ‘इबादत’ का अर्थ वास्तव में बन्दगी और दासता है। आप अब्द (बन्दा, दास) हैं। ईश्वर आपका प्रभु और उपास्य है। दास अपने उपास्य और प्रभु […]
February 1, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on February 1, 2016Categories ArticlesNews and EventsUrduHasad Tamaam Buraaiyon ki Jad Haiحسد تمام برائیوں کی جڑہے حسد تمام برائیوں کی جڑہے۔شیطان کی مثال لے لو اس نے حضرت آدم علیہ السلام سے حسد کی اور خود کو […]
February 1, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on February 1, 2016Categories ArticlesEnglishNews and EventsAvoiding a Common Path to Misery : IngratitudeAvoiding a Common Path to Misery : Ingratitude “Allah set forth a parable of a town, which was once secure, content, its sustenance come to it […]
February 1, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on February 1, 2016Categories ArticlesHindiNews and EventsRamadhan – Eik Prashichhanरमज़ान – एक प्रशिक्षण ईश्वर की भक्ति में लीन होकर मनुष्य उसके प्रति अपने समर्पण को व्यक्त करने के लिए सदैव से तप और उपवास करता […]
January 30, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on January 30, 2016Categories ArticlesEnglishNews and EventsMorality and Everyday LivingMorality and Everyday Living Islam is not a life comprised only of belief and acts of worship. In addition to belief and worship, it is the […]
January 29, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on January 29, 2016Categories ArticlesHindiNews and EventsRoza – Kyaa aur Kyon ?रोज़ा – क्या और क्यों ? इस सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्मांड और इंसान का अल्लाह (ईश्वर) एक है। ईश्वर ने इंसान को बनाया और उसकी सभी आवश्यकताओं को […]
January 29, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on January 29, 2016Categories ArticlesNews and EventsUrduNarm, Shafeeq aur Haleem Hasti – Maaنرم، شفیق اور حلیم ہستی ماں رب کائنات کا ابن آدم کیلئے انمول تحفہ ماں خالق کائنات کی خوبصورت ترین تخلیق اور ابن ِ آدم علیہ […]
January 29, 2016Published by Zeya Us Shams on January 29, 2016Categories ArticlesEnglishNews and EventsTrace Alcohol in Soda : Halal or Haram?Trace Alcohol in Soda : Halal or Haram? Reports in the media like this 2014 report in the Daily Mail and this 2012 one in Huffington […]