Prayer: a port in every storm Prayer, as the most exceptional form of worship, is also the most exceptional form of seeking refuge in Allah. Therefore, […]
कु़रआन में अनाथों, मुहताजों, नातेदारों आदि से संबंधित शिक्षाएं कु़रआन (2:38) “इसराईल की संतान से ईश्वर ने वचन लिया था: ‘‘अल्लाह के सिवाय किसी की बन्दगी […]
Is saying “Jazak Allah Khayr” Sunnah ? Question: Is “Jazākallāh” mentioned in any Hadith? Is there a Masnoon reply to it? Answer: The Mention of “Jazākallāhu […]