Taqwa Callender Aayat 6

Taqwa Callender Aayat 6_1

General Information

• Taqwa Islamic School is essentially a non-boarding school. The School is established to advance the cause of Islamic Education in Allahabad specially among Muslims but it will admit children belonging to all communities on equal terms.haleema

• The school is a minority institution which takes no grant in aid from Government of India.

Curriculum & Examination

• Students are prepared for Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) with Islamic studies being given prime importance.

• The school is Quadra lingual with English, Hindi, Urdu and Arabic as Primary languages. The courses are so designed to meet international requirements. Following formal subjects are taught – English, Hindi, EVS, Mathematics, Urdu, Science, History, Geography, Sanskrit, Computers and all other subjects according to the need of the time.

• Islamic subjects that are being taught are – Arabic Language, Hifz-e-Quran, Qur’an Studies, Hadith Studies, Tajweed and Qirat, Moral Studies, Dawah & Islah (English Public Speaking), Seerah of the Prophet (PBUH).

• Promotion to higher class is made on the basis of criteria given in the report card.

• Only those pupils who have paid all four quarters school fees would be permitted to appear for examinations.

• Special arrangements cannot be made for pupils, who for any reason whatsoever, are absent form their main examinations or any part of them. No claim for promotion will be entertained on the basis of Medical Certificates. Answer scripts will be returned to parents and in special cases school authorities may review the answer scripts.

• No student who has got less than 75% attendance during the school academic year will be permitted to sit for the final examination unless special permission got to do so is obtained from the principal.

• Re-test will not be taken for being absent on any ground. In case of absence on account of genuine illness, the pupils’ general performance may be taken into consideration for promotion.

• The assessment made by teachers, duly checked by the principal is fair and final.

Admission & Withrawal

• The Principal reserves the right to refuse admission to any student without furnishing any reason.

• The student is duly enrolled on the scholar register after completion of admission procedure, submission of required documents and issue of Admission Card duly signed by the principal.

• No pupil will be admitted to the school without a Transfer Certificate from the last school which he/she attended.

• For withdrawal of a pupil from the school before commencement of New Academic Session, a Calendar month’s notice must be given in writing before school closes for term break otherwise a calendar month’s fee will be charged.

• Chairman, acting through the Principal, reserves the right of suspending or issuing TC to any pupil who is deemed unsatisfactory. In such cases, the Principal is not bound to give any reason.

• The school management, acting through the Principal shall grant TC to pupil who fails for two consecutive years in the same class.

General Rules

• On class days and at school functions pupils must wear the uniform prescribed for the season. Students should come clean and tidy. Students who are not correctly dressed and whose general appearance does not confirm to such regulations as the school prescribes, will be sent back home as a form of punishment. If irregularity in school exists persistently, the parents will be asked to withdraw their wards for disrespecting school rules.

• Pupils who come late to school and those who have been absent on the previous day must bring a letter of explanation from the parents.

• Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during the regular school hours. Permission may be granted only by the Principal to do so.

• Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the school staff or bad moral influence, justifies dismissal.
• Pupils on their way to and from school are expected to deport themselves in a responsible manner.

• Pupils are strictly forbidden to bring objectionable literature and mobiles to the school.

• During the absence of a teacher from the class, pupils must obey the Monitor appointed to maintain good order.

• Any kind of damage done to the school premises, furniture etc. will be realised from the parents of the student responsible.

• Parents are expected to cooperate in the work of the school, in particular by enforcing regularity and discipline by showing interest in their children’s progress and by extending their fullest encouragement to participate in co-curricular activities.

• School Information Handbook is published under the authority of the school. Any changes in school rules are notified therein. Parents should check the Information Handbook regularly.

• Transfer Certificate will be issued on payment of ` 200/-

• Parents, relatives, guardians or friend are not permitted to meet the teachers, students or enter any class room without the Principal’s prior permission.

School Timings:


Nursery & Jr. KG – 8:20 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
Sr. KG and Above – 7:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.


Nursery & Jr. KG – 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
Sr. KG and Above – 8:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

School Uniform:



Boys: Navy Blue Trousers, Red Check Shirt with Navy Blue Kurta Collor and Navy Blue Cuffs, Navy Blue Socks, Black Shoes, White Star Cap.

Girls: Red Check Tunic, Navy Blue Shalwar, Navy Blue Scarf, Navy Blue Socks, Black Shoes.


Navy Blue V-Neck Sweater with Red Lines on Neck and cuff or Navy Blue Blazer with school Logo should be added with above mentioned uniform, Navy Blue Woolen Cap may be used if required.