WEEKLY DARS-E-QUR’AN FOR LADIES ONLY Friday, 5th February 2016 Time : 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm Dars-e-Qur’an By Asma Shams Dars-e-Seerat By Asma Parveen Dars-e-Hadeeth By […]
Hifz-e-Qur’an Certificate Awarded Taqwa Islamic School achieved an honour to produce first Hafizah-e-Qur’an. A twelve year old girl Aaisha Islam completed Hifz-e-Qur’an in just 2 years […]
Is saying “Jazak Allah Khayr” Sunnah ? Question: Is “Jazākallāh” mentioned in any Hadith? Is there a Masnoon reply to it? Answer: The Mention of “Jazākallāhu […]
The Sunnah way to discipline children “Go away!” “Stop it, you nuisance!” Is it not considered ‘normal’ in most societal circles today for adults to address […]